Introducing AbuseShield

Protect your brand from digital threats with NameBlock's cutting-edge online abuse prevention tool.

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Trusted Resellers

Get AbuseShield through one of our reseller partners!

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Key Features

Explore how AbuseShield truly prevents DNS Abuse

Digital Shield Protecting Your DomainAdds phishing and impersonation protection around a registered domain name. Blocks abusive variants, not the domain name itself.
Instant VariantCatcherIs a potentially harmful variant identified by AbuseShield already registered or blocked by another party? If it becomes available our Instant VariantCatcher will automatically catch and add the variant to an existing order at no additional cost.
Budget-friendly and CustomizableAffordable and accessible protection for businesses and individuals alike. Choose term length (1-10 years) and decide when and where it is appropriate to seek additional protection, matching protection strategy and goals, and budget.

Feature Comparison


Prevent bad actors from harming your brand!

$150per seat per year

Block your brand across multiple domain extensions.

$450per seat per year
Other Services

$950per seat per year
Documentation Required?
Case Dependent
Instant VariantCatcher
Fully Automated
Backed by iQ Abuse Data
Valuable Domains List
Domain Unblocking
Single Ownership Blocks

Learn More Today!


Find answers to common questions about AbuseShield and understand how it protects businesses online.

What is AbuseShield?

AbuseShield is a comprehensive data-driven solution designed to intelligently identify risky variants of a registered domain name and efficiently prevent phishing and impersonation attacks by blocking such lookalike domain names.

How does AbuseShield Work?

AbuseShield uses advanced algorithms to identify potential threats. Our automated system carefully selects and blocks lookalike domain names that could otherwise be used to maliciously target a certain registered domain name.

Can AbuseShield integrate with Registrar and Registry systems?

Yes, AbuseShield is designed for easy integration with registry operators and resellers via API or online dashboard.
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